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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Metal Head and Grain Belly

I had tinnitus for MONTHS. It started after I had a middle ear infection around November 2015, so I thought it was connected. I saw 3 ENT specialists and they all said the same thing. "Nothing is wrong with your ear, so it's no big deal. It will go away on its own. The more you pay attention to it, the more you'll notice it." I was not satisfied with this answer so I did some Googling. None of the ENTs mentioned that having a high blood pressure could be a factor, and I found out that my blood pressure was (in January 2016) at the bottom of the high range.

That was also the time I decided to stop eating wheat altogether. I mentioned this in a previous post. It's now June and, save a couple accidents, I have been wheat free for 5 months now. Since then I have noticed that I don't get as bloated, the swelling in my ankles mostly went down, and my acne went away. Like the every day bumps that would just... appear for no discernible reason and cause me anguish because I am was a grown woman with acne! I have also, in the past month or so, been increasing my water intake, which I'm SURE has helped as well. As of today my tinnitus is MOSTLY GONE!!

BUT, I thought that was all I needed to do. Drop the wheat; drop the weight and the bloating and the discomfort. Nope. A bakery opened up in my neighbourhood that only uses rice flour in their products. I was SOOOO HAPPY that I kinda went nuts. Over the course of a week or two I tried out the different things they had: loaves, bagels, scones, etc. My ankles started to swell again. My stomach started to bloat again. I didn't have cravings the way wheat gave me cravings, though, so that was interesting (and a relief). I had noticed bloating when I ate regular white rice as well, but thought it was just making the wheat issue worse. (Trying to rationalize it so I could keep eating rice haha).

Anyway, I did some Youtube research and came to the conclusion I probably need to cut out all grains *cries*. I thought corn was safe because I haven't noticed as much bloating even as the rice, which caused less bloating than wheat. But, as it turns out, it's not just about the bloating (which I knew, but didn't pay much attention to).

So that's the next goal. Grain free. My mum follows a ketosis diet, which I tried for like a week, so I have seen how to eat meals without grains. And now I have a more compelling reason to do it for myself. I'm not saying I'm going keto, but I will go grain free, because I need to for my body. I've seen myself get fatter and fatter over the years without doing very much that's different from other people who are skinny. I know that physical activity is part of it, but having tried various workout programs that only worked short term, I know my nutrition is the key right now.

That's all.

Okay I love you buh-bye! (Looney Tunes anyone?)

Oh my god oats are grains too, aren't they? *sigh* man....

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